Contract Management Skills & Negotiation Strategies

Code : CL005
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Why Attend This Training Course?
Contract Management Skills & Negotiation Strategies course curriculum blends textbook theory with real-life perspectives that allow you to assess, manage, and solve complex challenges that may arise in all phases of the contract life cycle. Whether you’re involved with commercial, federal, or international contracts, our training will help you manage your contracts effectively and efficiently from start to finish and allow you to contribute to successful project outcomes.

What Is The Training Course Methodology?
This training course methodology depends on enabling participants to interact and exchange experiences, explore their competencies and achieve their career aspirations, using forward-thinking training arts, such as theoretical lectures and/or open discussion to exchange opinions and experiences, scenarios, innovative thinking brainstorming. Participants will receive an agenda including training material as a reference, in addition to some extra notes and booklets. 

Who Should Attend This Training Course?
This training course is designed for all managers in various administrative, managerial, and leadership positions who are concerned with contemporary performance management and leadership skills, such as change and efficiency plans.

What Are The Training Course Objectives?
  • Understand the most fundamental aspects of the contract
  • Develop required knowledge for preparation of contracts and analysis of offers
  • Develop skills in managing and addressing the problems, resulting from the
    contracting processes and the implementation of offers
  • Discuss the most important dynamic aspects involved in negotiation processes
  • Acquire the scientific and applied foundations for determining the negotiation strategy

What Is The Training Course Curriculum?
Basic Concept and Elements of the Contract: Realistic Models
  • Types of contracts
    • Supply contracts
    • Operating contracts
    • Maintenance contracts
  • Conclusion of contracts
  • Good drafting requirements
Skills for the Analysis and Study of Offers and Selection
  • Stages and procedures of contracting
  • Requirements and potential problems
  • Necessary considerations before, during and after the execution of the contract
    • Motivation to contract
    • Economic interest in the contract
    • Substantive and detailed issues to be considered
Contract and Commitment Phase
  • Mutual obligations and equalization
  • Contract drafting skills and general controls
  • Implementation phase and problems
    • Implementation of obligations of contracting parties
    • The breach of the equivalence between the obligations
    • Modification of the contract conditions for implementation and the required
      confrontation skills
Components of the Negotiation process
  • Stages of the negotiating process and the necessary procedures
  • Different negotiation strategies and effective negotiation tactics
  • Differences in interpretation
  • Terms and procedures of contracts and arbitration
Course Details
Personal Details
ACAD Professional Certificate - APC
ACAD Training & Consulting uses the power of its network to bring about positive, tangible change. We champion the training courses profession and the interests of individuals, engaged in that profession, for the benefit of all. ACAD Professional Certificates are designed for those who are enthusiastic to challenge themselves to reach the extra mile. Participants who fully attend an APC course and successfully pass the exam on the last training day, will receive an ACAD Professional Certificate (APC). APC are regionally recognized and can be esteemed when applying for more senior roles in Egypt and MENA region.

Exam Details:

Duration: 1 hour | Multiple Choice | Closed book | Pass mark: 65%

Course Schedule

21 - 25 Jan
10:00 AM To 3:00 PM
Cairo, Egypt
23 - 27 Jun
10:00 AM To 3:00 PM
Cairo, Egypt
06 - 10 Oct
10:00 AM To 3:00 PM
Cairo, Egypt

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