Why Attend This Training Course?
Effective self-management will enable individuals to develop the needed disciplines that help bridge the gaps between goals and accomplishment. High achievers are people who have learned to effectively manage themselves, tapping on all resources available to motivate themselves toward the fulfillment of their fullest potentials.
This course aims to encourage individuals to evaluate and monitor their energy, attitude and priority in relation to their personal and organizational visions and goals. It will empower individuals for a more effective self-management and equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to optimize their performances, which are essential for personal success and corporate accomplishment.
What Is The Training Course Methodology?
This training course methodology depends on enabling participants to interact and exchange experiences, explore their competencies and achieve their career aspirations, using forward-thinking training arts, such as theoretical lectures and/or open discussion to exchange opinions and experiences, scenarios, innovative thinking brainstorming. Participants will receive an agenda including training material as a reference, in addition to some extra notes and booklets.
Who Should Attend This Training Course?
This training course is designed for all managers in various administrative, managerial, and leadership positions who are concerned with acquiring concentration management and leadership skills, such as self-development, change, plans and future policies.
What Are The Training Course Objectives?
Discuss human behavior basic concepts and work motivation and creativity
Acquire the necessary skills of recognizing oneself and methods of control
How to deal with others (subordinates and seniors)
Recognition on the basis of confidence, ability to influence and persuade
Enhance concentration skills
Deepen tbe creativity skills in solving problems
What Is The Training Course Curriculum?
Human Nature: An Overview
Basic concepts of human behavior
Nature of the human soul
Motivation and human behavior
Human relations and human nature
NLP and human nature
Human nature and its inclination towards work and creativity
Case study (I)
What is personality?
Types of personality
Who are you? Practical training to get to know your personality
Self-management skills
Develop self-confidence
Ability to influence and persuade
Self-control management
Managing conflict
Case study (I)
Concentration Engineering
What does concentration and its relation to memory mean?
Investigate both sides of the brain
Brain mechanisms to remember
Forgetfulness factors
Short-term vs. long-term memory
Concentration process development Skills
Concentration Motivations
Concentration stimuli
Training activities on concentration skills
Mind mapping
Releasing Work Creativity Potentials
What is creativity at work?
Nature of creative personality at work
Prime the work environment for creativity
Stimulating creativity
Creative thinking relationship to problems solving
Enhancing creativity at work
Case studies and practical situations relevant to creativity at work
Problem Analysis and handling Conflicts at Work
Types of conflicts
Identifying and indicating problems, and the information systems role
Innovative approaches in the problems analysis and identifying alternatives
Types of leaders in solving problems and managing conflicts
Practical Application: Open discussion
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