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Why Attend This Training Course?
For most of us, teamwork is a part of everyday life. Whether it's at home, in the community, or at work, we are often expected to be a functional part of a performing team. Having a strong team will benefit any organization and will lead to more successes than not. The Teamwork And Team Building workshop will encourage participants to explore the different aspects of a team, as well as ways that they can become a top-notch team performer. Your participants will be given the details and concepts of what makes up a team, and what factors into being a successful team and team member.
What Is The Training Course Methodology?
This training course methodology depends on enabling participants to interact and exchange experiences, explore their competencies and achieve their career aspirations, using forward-thinking training arts, such as theoretical lectures and/or open discussion to exchange opinions and experiences, scenarios, innovative thinking brainstorming. Participants will receive an agenda including training material as a reference, in addition to some extra notes and booklets.
Who Should Attend This Training Course?
This training course is designed for all managers in various administrative, managerial, and leadership positions who are concerned with acquiring contemporary management and leadership skills, such as self-development, change, plans and future policies.
What Are The Training Course Objectives?
Providethe strategic means of preparing and building teams with best practice and quality methods and techniques
Describe the concept of a team, and its factors for success
Explain the four phases of the Tuckman team development model and define their characteristics
List the three types of teams
Describe actions to take as a leader – and as a follower for each of the four phases (Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing)
Discuss the uses, benefits and disadvantages of various team-building activities
Describe several team-building activities that you can use, and in what settings
Follow strategies for setting and leading team meetings
Detail problem-solving strategies using the Six Thinking Hats model
Skills enrichment in developing team spirit and self-organization
Development of managerial and leadership skills to solve problems and lead teamwork, create and build Quality Circle (QC)
What Is The Training Course Curriculum?
What is a Team?: A Comprehensive Overview
Defining Success
What is a Team?
An Overview of Tuckman and Jensen’s Four-Phase Model
Types of Teams
The Traditional Team
Self-Directed Teams
The Four Stages of Team Development
The First Stage – Forming
Hallmarks of This Stage
What to Do As a Leader
What to Do As a Follower
The Second Stage – Storming
The Hallmarks of This Stage
What to Do As a Leader
What to Do As a Follower
The Third Stage – Norming
The Hallmarks of This Stage
What to Do As a Leader
What to Do As a Follower
The Fourth Stage – Performing
Hallmarks of this Stage
What to Do As a Leader
What to Do As a Follower
Teamwork Concept and its Significance in Organizational Success
Integrated approach to TQM and its relationship to productivity
Teamwork tasks types and teamwork types in organizations
Methods of preparation for building teamwork in organizations
Prepare individuals for group interaction within teams
Roles played by individuals within the team
Case Study (I)
Preparation for Effective Communication within Teamwork
Highly performing teams overview
Enriching capability of self-expression
Enriching the ability to listen, feedback and speak well
Enhancing skills of the working group in achieving effective communication
Case study (II)
Team Building Activities
The Benefits and Disadvantages
Team-Building Activities That Won’t Make People Cringe
Choosing a Location for Team-Building
Making the Most of Team Meetings
Setting the Time and the Place
Trying the 50-Minute Meeting
Using Celebrations of All Sizes
Teamwork and Effective Leadership Styles
Leadership and its various types
Managing teamwork meetings
Enhancing skills of reciprocal relationships between individuals
Solving Problems as a Team
The Six Thinking Hats
Encouraging Brainstorming
Building Consensus
Practical Application
Human behavior Analysis towards Team Members
Motivate and stimulate to perform work
Practical Lab for skills about achieving goals through group work
Excellence circles and quality workshops (Concept, significance, Application, Professionalism)