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Why Attend This Training Course?
Social intelligence can seem like a complicated term and can make many of us feel nervous. But social intelligence is something we deal with every day and it can help us navigate better experiences from our social environment. Whether we’re at home or at work, knowing how to be more aware of our surroundings and ourselves can help us make the best out of any social situation.
What Is The Training Course Methodology?
This training course methodology depends on enabling participants to interact and exchange experiences, explore their competencies and achieve their career aspirations, using forward-thinking training arts, such as theoretical lectures and/or open discussion to exchange opinions and experiences, scenarios, innovative thinking brainstorming. Participants will receive an agenda including training material as a reference, in addition to some extra notes and booklets.
Who Should Attend This Training Course?
This training program is designed for various supervisory and executive management levels positions in leadership and all of the work that require direct contact with others in various departments and divisions.
What Are The Training Course Objectives?
Be aware of our own behaviors and learn to be empathetic with others
Know tools for active listening and effectively communicate interpersonally
Determine appropriate conversation topics and recognize various social cues
Know various forms of body language
Concepts of social intelligence and its relation to the improvement of social relations in the workplace
Recognize the relationship between different types of intelligence
Importance of social intelligence and its components and obstacles
Be aware of our own behaviors and learn to be empathetic with others
Know tools for active listening and effectively communicate
Acquire new skills to improve social relations through social intelligence
Understand the personal and social skills compatibility
Now the behavior change skills in the work environment and how to deal with various types of conflicts
What Is The Training Course Curriculum?
Social Relations in the Workplace
Concept of labor organizations
Labor organisation components
The concept of social relations in the work environment
Relations in organizations
Relations unintended
Independence relations
One-way relations
Reciprocity relations
Functional relationships “similar and dissimilar”
Personal model for compatibility with the work environment
Workshops and applications
Case study: Various forms of labor conflicts
Practical training: Reality of the work environment by using the mind map
Type of social relations in the workplace
Different Concepts of Intelligence
Linguistic and philosophical concept of intelligence
Biological and physiological concept of intelligence
Psychological and social concept of intelligent
Personal nature of intelligence and indicators with intelligence profile
Nature of emotional intelligence and the relationship between intelligence and conscience
Nature of social intelligence and its effect on employee engagement
Relationship between the three intelligences (personal, emotional and social)
Lack of social competence and their impact on social communication in the work environment
Workshops and applications
Practical training: do you have social intelligence?
Questionnaire: how to deal with different types of people?
Social Intelligence Skills: Tips and Tools
Importance of social intelligence skills
Role of social intelligence skills in social and personal compatibility
Role of social intelligence skills in the work environment
Role of social intelligence skills in changing behavior in the work environment
Personal and social intelligence
Workshops and applications
Do you have a personal and a social consensus?
Good moods, a good job
Are you charismatic?
Practical training: how to change your behavior?
Social Intelligence and Social Relations with Others in the Work Environment
Capabilities of social intelligence
Distinction between mechanical intelligence and social intelligence
Characteristics of social intelligence
Aspects of dealing with others using social intelligence
Social intelligence skills
Workshops and applications
Practical training: analysis of the manifestations of dealing with others as a manifestation of social intelligence
Improving Social Relations in the Workplace using Social Intelligence
Empathy with others
Social skills
Social attitude
Organizing groups
Negotiating solutions
Personal communication
Social analysis
Workshops and applications
Practical training: how to improve the working environment by using social intelligence