Ecommerce Marketing Specialist

Code : MS013 | Marketing and Sales
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Why Attend This Training Course?
Key issues include managing risks for the involved parties in the on-line environment (such as liability risks for online intermediaries) and establishing trust on the Internet (including through the use of electronic identity and trust services). Moreover, consumer rights play a major role, particularly in electronic contracting. The course reviews legal code and its interaction with computer code. This role of the latter is examined, inter alia, in the context of electronic payment systems and crypto currencies, such as bit coin. Computer code is also the key focus when the course discusses the increasing importance of artificial intelligence systems in electronic commerce. The unique training course concentrates on legal instruments and policy to regulate various aspects of electronic commerce, covering primarily business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions. Last not least, the course addresses dispute about electronic commerce, again with a particular focus on the protection of consumers. This raises problems regarding jurisdiction and choice of law, particularly when disputes are brought to the courts. The last part of the course focuses on major ethical issues in the information age.

What Is The Training Course Methodology?
This training course methodology depends on enabling participants to interact and exchange experiences, explore their competencies and achieve their career aspirations, using forward-thinking training arts, such as theoretical lectures and/or open discussion to exchange opinions and experiences, scenarios, innovative thinking brainstorming. Participants will receive an agenda including training material as a reference, in addition to some extra notes and booklets. 

Who Should Attend This Training Course?
This training course is designed for Marketing Managers or Directors, Account Managers, Brand Managers, Sales Managers or Directors, Public Relations (PR) Professionals, Business Development .Managers, and Business Owners

What Are The Training Course Objectives?
  • Understand the essential tools and required skills for strength and weakness points competitor analysis
  • Ability to be aware of the importance of e-trade to expand transactions and profits
  • Learn the payment systems of the e-trade
  • Acquire new skills to develop safe information
  • Prepare confidentiality systems and secure transactions
  • Understand the legal code of the e-trade transactions and its interaction with computer code

What Is The Training Course Curriculum?
Concept of Electronic-Trade: A General Overview
  • E-trade definition to develop transaction
  • E-trade: Chances and Challenges
  • E-trade payment systems methods
  • Plastic money
  • Modern banking methods in payment
  • Smart cards
  • E-networks
Confidentiality Systems: Securing Commercial Transactions
  • Confidentiality
  • Insurance and privacy
  • E-signing
  • Coding systems
  • E-transactions systems
 Protection and Insurance of Information on Internet Networks
  • Risks and obstacles faced by organizations
  • Privacy systems evaluation
  • Insurance levels of information
  • Information insurance policies and protection
  • Insurance of information against viruses 
E-trade between Business Sectors 
  • Correlation stage between companies
  • E-exchange stage of documents by using the special network
  • Fields that cover the e-exchange
  • Advantages that are provided by using the electronic exchange of documents 
Action Plan for Transferring into E-trade
  • Transferring stages to the e-trade world
  • Effective elements on establishing information headquarter on Internet
  • Identify investment portion in establishing a headquarter for an organization
  • Identify operation costs information for an organization’s headquarter on Internet
Course Details
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Course Schedule

26 - 30 Jan
10:00 AM To 3:00 PM
Cairo, Egypt
17 - 21 Aug
10:00 AM To 3:00 PM
Live Online

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