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Why Attend This Training Course?
This training course is set out to help your participants manage the performance of their workforce through common sense techniques that focus on the effective use of communication and goal setting to improve productivity and increase morale and motivation. Managerial Efficiency Development Strategies training course will steer away from the procedural, form-filling approach to performance management/appraisals and instead focus on the skills required to effectively co-operate with team members, develop their skills and ensure they feel incentivized to succeed. With the techniques outlined in this training course your participants will feel empowered to enhance the performance of their team and begin to collaborate with them to improve their behaviors and ability in their role.
What Is The Training Course Methodology?
The methodology depends on enabling participants to interact and exchange experiences, explore their competencies and achieve their career aspirations, using forward-thinking training arts, such as theoretical lectures and/or open discussion to exchange opinions and experiences, scenarios, innovative thinking brainstorming. Participants will receive an agenda including training material as a reference, in addition to some extra notes and booklets.
Who Should Attend This Training Course?
This training course is directed to employees who occupy leadership and supervisory posts like directors, and who are responsible for process designing, public service providers and developing career methods.
What Are The Training Course Objectives?
Acquire the strategic training on contemporary performance management techniques
Identify how to study work procedures and update methods
Drill on effective planning tools to streamline procedures, and how to set goals
Identify the tactical stages of studying procedures and methods of collecting data
Training on processes assessment methods and how to prepare the organizational procedures guide in order to construct procedures charts
What Is The Training Course Curriculum?
Basic Concepts of Managerial Development and Innovation
An overview of the strategic performance management: Improving efficiency
Re-engineering management (Re-building strategies and restructuring the organization)
Managing change and adaptation
Horizontal organizing
Service windows
Facing Managerial Challenges
Technological change
Governmental policies
Change in economic activity
Case study (I)
Concept and Importance of Work Procedures
Importance of work procedures
Procedure complexity causes and manifestations
Planning and implementation of draft procedures simplification
Practical Application: The assessment tool
Methods of Studying Work Procedures
Updating procedures program: Selecting procedures for developing
Success requirements for streamlining work procedures
Support top management
Setting goals
Providing corporation capabilities
Information and technology
Effective Planning to Streamline Procedures
Action Plan and program schedule
Deciding objectives process and setting schedule and follow up implementation
Studying and analyzing environmental factors (negatives and positives)
Specifying procedures to be subject to study and simplification
Casting teamwork
Identifying secondary data sources
Stages of Collecting Data and Legislation (Laws - Regulations - Instructions)
Organizational framework
Preparing staff and their specialties
Location of offices and departments where work procedures to be accomplished
Technology, machinery and equipment used at work
Documents used in accomplishing correspondences
Case study (II)
Analyzing, Evaluating, Streamlining and Accrediting Procedures Stages
Implementation procedures simplification project
Organizing charts and procedures path flow
Evaluating and simplifying procedures (procedures guide)