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Why Attend This Training Course?
Stock control, otherwise known as inventory control, is used to show how much stock you have at any one time, and how you keep track of it. It applies to every item you use to produce a product or service, from raw materials to finished goods. It covers stock at every stage of the production process, from purchase and delivery to using and re-ordering the stock. Efficient stock control allows you to have the right amount of stock in the right place at the right time. It ensures that capital is not tied up unnecessarily, and protects production if problems arise with the supply chain. This Course explains different stock control methods, shows you how to set one up and tells you where to find more information.
What Is The Training Course Methodology?
ACAD Corp’s methodology depends on enabling participants to interact and exchange experiences, explore their competencies and achieve their career aspirations, using forward-thinking training arts, such as Theoretical Lectures, Workshops, Open discussion to exchange opinions and experiences, Scenarios, innovative thinking brainstorming and teamwork, Role-play and simulation, and Audiovisual tools and materials. Participants will receive an agenda including training material as a reference, in addition to some extra notes and booklets. Training material will be presented in English and Arabic.
Who Should Attend This Training Course?
This training course is designed for Marketing Managers or Directors, Account Managers, Brand Managers, Sales Managers or Directors, Public Relations (PR) Professionals, Business Development, Managers, and Business Owners
What Are The Training Course Objectives?
Fully comprehend the selection and analysing tools and techniques
Understand the means of suppliers to increase the efficacy of the purchasing process
Articulate unique rules and regulations to select suitable purchase resources – suppliers
What Is The Training Course Curriculum?
Methods of Searching for Purchase Resources: An Overview
Identify project needs from raw materials and equipment: Commodities/services
Search for different substitutions that could satisfy the needs
Collection of data about reliable suppliers
Resources of information about items and suppliers
Special Policy to Select the suitable Purchase Resources
One source purchasing policy
Many source purchasing policy
Local and external suppliers purchasing policy
Direct product purchasing policy
Case study
Evaluation of Purchasing Resources (Suppliers)
Essential considerations in supplier evaluation (purchasing resource)
Main policies to favour any of suppliers
Standards of proper supplier selection
System of qualifying suppliers
Types of Business and Size: Pervious Experience
Status of upon implementation contracts
Technical evaluation of supplier
Technical body
Workshops aftermarket service
Technical Support from Foreign Companies: Affiliations and Partnerships
Financial evaluation of suppliers
Official capacity of suppliers
Accredited distributor
Case study
Suppliers Performance Evaluation
Basis of supplier’s performance evaluation
Quantitative methods of supplier’s evaluation
Purchasing systems and suppliers evaluation
Identical purchased items system with the required specification
Suppliers qualifying system
Control system on items and work quality
Check, inspection damaged registering and waste procedures