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Why Attend This Training Course?
Strategicplanning/performance Assessment is a long-term, dynamic, and future oriented process of assessment, goal setting, and decision-making that maps an explicit path between the present and a vision of the future. Clearly defined Assessment measures and benchmarks provide feedback that permits program performance to influence future planning, resource allocation, and operational decisions.
The ultimate goal of strategic planning and performance measurement reporting is to assure that services provided by entities meet the needs of the people. Strategic planning and performance reporting also assist in maintaining a focus on the quality of services and the benefits those services provide. A successful strategic planning/performance measurement reporting process provides many benefits to those affected by their operations.
Strategic planning improves an agency’s ability to anticipate and accommodate the future by identifying issues, opportunities, and problems. Enhanced decision-making will be achieved by strengthening internal communications, both vertically and horizontally.
What Is The Training Course Methodology?
ACAD Corp’s methodology depends on enabling participants to interact and exchange experiences, explore their competencies and achieve their career aspirations, using forward-thinking training arts, such as Theoretical Lectures, Workshops, Open discussion to exchange opinions and experiences, Scenarios, innovative thinking brainstorming and teamwork, Role-play and simulation, and Audiovisual tools and materials. Participants will receive an agenda including training material as a reference, in addition to some extra notes and booklets. Training material will be presented in English and Arabic.
Who Should Attend This Training Course?
This training course is designed for all managers who are responsible for evaluating the performance of subordinate using international applications in different organizations.
What Are The Training Course Objectives?
Identifythe strategy of developing the performance of employees using the best international applications
Identify the needs of the organization to develop, evaluate and motivate employees in light of the requirements of applying the results of management goals
Develop the system of assessing the performance of workers through the methods of scientific objective
What Is The Training Course Curriculum?
Key Concepts of Performance Management: General Overview
Institutional planning
Quadratic and environmental analysis
Institutional objectives based on quadratic analysis
Questions and answers
An applied success story
Balanced Scorecard
Fragmentation of institutional objectives on each department
Break management objectives to the individual level
Collective case study
Setting KPI'S
How to set SMART Goals
Performance management cycle associated with KPI's
Adopting the overall annual objectives
Quarterly follow-up to achieve the objectives
Performance Evaluation Tools and Techniques
Semi-annual review of institutional and individual performance
Take corrective decisions
Role of leaders in managing, monitoring and evaluating performance
Case study
Role for Human Resource Management
Advisory and guidance
Review of business results at the enterprise level
Performance evaluation at the individual level at the end of the financial year
Interview performance evaluation
Agreement between the manager and the subordinates on the degree of evaluation
Caveats to avoid when evaluating
Role of the Evaluation Safety Review Committee
Theory of natural distribution and its applications
Complaint against the degree of evaluation
Evaluation approval to notify staff with the final assessment
Motivation vs. Performance
Merit allowances
Promotions and career path
Assessment levels and identification of training needs